Kentucky State Plane Coordinate System

Geodetic Information for the Commonwealth

Governance | Stakeholders | Resources


Welcome to The purpose of this site is to provide pertinent information about geodesy and geodetic activities relevant to the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Here you will find access to detailed information regarding the Kentucky State Plane Coordinate System (KSPCS), including recently enacted statutes, administrative regulation, and the KSPCS Standards and Specifications document.

You will also be presented with important links regarding the National Geodetic Survey’s (NGS) effort to establish new geodetic datums and reference frames by the year 2025. Although currently under construction, we hope this site will eventually grow to become the definitive one-stop resource for all your geodetic needs within the Commonwealth.


Kentucky Revised Statutes and Administrative Regulations related to the Kentucky State Plane Coordinate System.


Kentucky State Plane Coordinate System GIAC Subcommittee Information.


Other resources from NGS, KAPS, and other stakeholders.


Links to Kentucky Revised Statutes and Administrative Regulations related to the Kentucky State Plane Coordinate System.

Kentucky Revised Statutes

KRS Chapter 1

This chapter includes sections related to the legislative intent in establishing the Kentucky State Plane Coordinate System and boundaries with adjacent states.

Kentucky Administrative Regulations

Title 200 | Chapter 041 | Regulation 010

Title 200 includes regulations related to the Kentucky Single Zone Coordinate System


Kentucky State Plane Coordinate System Standards and Specifications Document

The Kentucky State Plane Coordinate System Standards and Specifications Document was adopted by the Kentucky Geographic Advisory Council during its first meeting of 2021.

This document represents the culmination of a concerted effort made possible through the contributions of individuals who all share a common interest in supporting geospatial activities throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky and beyond its borders, particularly given the national importance of the State Plane Coordinate System (SPCS). A list of stakeholders can be found at the bottom of this page.

The Standards and Specifications document is incorporated by reference in Title 200, Chapter 041, Regulation 010.

Kentucky State Plane Coordinate System - NATRF 2022 (Poster)

A tabloid-sized poster that illustrates the new NATRF 2022 Layer 1 Statewide Zone and the NATRF 2022 Layer 2 LDP Zones.

National Spatial Reference System (NSRS) Modernization

This one-page whitepaper provides a concise overview of the improvements to the Kentucky State Plane Coordinate System and how it affects professionals in the engineering, surveying, and GIS communities.

National Geodetic Survey SPCS2022 Resources

This collection of resources on the topic of SPCS2022 and the planned deprecation of the US Survey Foot was provided by NGS's Appalachian Regional Advisor. His contact information is included in the PDF of hyperlinks.


A wide range of stakeholders is represented on the Kentucky State Plane Subcommittee of the Geographic Information Advisory Council.

  • Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
  • Commonwealth Office of Technology
  • Kentucky Association of Professional Surveyors
  • Kentucky Geological Survey
  • Kentucky Infrastructure Authority
  • Kentucky Geological Survey
  • Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals
  • Kentucky Office of Homeland Security
  • National Geodetic Survey
  • Kentucky Board of Licensure for Engineers and Land Surveyors